Contact Us

General Information: [email protected] 

Race Information Line: 301-320-3350  Fax: 301-320-9164

Event Director
Phil Stewart: [email protected]

Deputy Race Director, Sponsorship, Expo Sales
Becky Lambros: [email protected]

Elite Athlete Contact
Bill Orr: [email protected] 

Media Contact
Keith Peters: [email protected]

Nita Lalla Roncone: [email protected]

Mailing Address (send mail-in entries here)
4963 Elm St, Suite 106
Bethesda, MD 20814

Office Address
4963 Elm St, Suite 106
Bethesda, MD 20814

Email is the preferred method of contact. The race information line provides a chance to leave messages as well. Messages are retrieved from the race information line on a regular basis, particularly as race day approaches. Please use only one method of contacting us -- either by email or by phone -- in order to avoid double work on our part.